How does one believe unto the Lord with a corrupt heart unless chosen by God?
Why is God's will that not all shall be saved?
Who can know the will of God?
How can one know God?
"Depart from me, I never knew you."
"Blessed are those believe, and have not seen."
"Whomever rejects the Spirit will not be forgiven."
"Whomever tries to save their life will lose it, whomever loses their life for my sake will find it."
"No greater love than this: that one should lay down his life for his brother."
Seek with all heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Though I be a sinner, I return my life to the one who first gave me existence.
Faith is chosen, we are our decisions. Infinite mercy and grace is not understood by mortals. Chase the wind why don't you.
Sometimes feeling like Jacob at Peniel thoughts 87