Monday, June 26, 2023

The Need

I need a Saviour; man, left to his own devices, not knowing his own heart, tends toward debasement. 

What God do you choose not to believe in? 

What does, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," really mean? 

On that great, terrible and dark day...

"I was hungry and you fed me, naked, and you clothed me.."

"Where were you, God?"

So too its opposite: "I was hungry, and you did not feed me, naked, and you did not clothe me.."

"Where, Oh God?"

It appears either way, we are in need, and to not reject the Way of the Spirit.

Draw me to your Spirit oh God, have mercy on me, and so that I may show true mercy. 

"Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us..."

Sometimes the need for mercy 91