Wednesday, October 4, 2017


drunk. seeking affect from arrogance.

hard not to be radicalized given the times with it's fed shit. 13, an irrationally feared #, a construct; shoenberg, hotels, elevators, the devil, 23, what have you - strange creatures we are. for a thought, to blast the ego out of the water: the solar system on a football field scale. at the .7, 2, 3, 4, 6-10, 16, 40, 79 yard lines - inner planets, asteroid belt, outer planets.., dime-sized sun (goal line), inner planets sized single grains of sand, jupiter-sized width of a quarter, of which can contain over 1300 earths, respectively...bear self-importance irrelevant. your blind, failing, rat race money grabbin, arrogant asses. any cosmic solar event wipes human history from the naked eye. i don't care what you think you are, shut the fuck up.


let's arm each other because we shoot each other because it will make us safer. let's pray for each other because it will make us aware because we kill each other.

microscopic grains of sand on a grain of sand. in a solar system.

shut the fuck up. gain some cosmic perspective.

we are here with each other. forever. now. each other.


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