Friday, May 1, 2020


For your consideration as a striking visual representation. Go about your day, like you do any other day; read below, then watch. 

"Notice a difference yet?" How long would it take for you to notice? If you cut one of the pennies in the video into 10,000 pie pieces, each new little piece is still $10,000. A piece. How long does it take to save $10,000. What about if you're an old man, or a young man? Depends, I suppose. How is time not the most valuable perspective? 1 million seconds is 11 days, 1 billion is near my upcoming age this year (33). 

How I feel, naively idk, as I journey through our world, in this digital numeracy age, is that there should really be no reason that nobody doesn't have enough: free in mind, and thinking for ourselves, without living to maintain a "cost" of living, but providing for future humanity itself, altogether ourselves. Would I be wrong in saying how difficult it must be for men in the present to provide for a family, let alone themselves? I'm no engineer or coder changing the world, or have a family myself (yet), but have my own visions, successes and passions of life I myself follow in music and art, all the while honored to know some of the best and have witnessed people having families working in the artistic field. I also aim there. 

It's just funny how we view time. All this hustle mindset stuff is productive, but way overdone, have a rest, relax and enjoy your life. My grandma gardened, I never have. I would sit alongside her sometimes and talk, toiling the soil with her. How long would it take for you to grow your own food? What about insulin? Collective and mental slavery still exist here (earth); you have to pay for your own housing and food. You don't choose to get sick. Water is essential, but sold at the store, etc... Labor is "honest toil," a "vetted remuneration policy." Maybe we need an altogether new system of "money" or valuation, an actual "rigor" proactive contributing force of good for humanity. Balanced though. Greed (and anger), is cancer someone once told me. Let me know if you have any good ideas. Bitcoin? 

I am just baffled and amazed by the magnitude and scale of this video analogy, and how much or little, people understand about the present moment. One of the most intelligent people I've met once told me not to hope, that it is dangerous (even though he'll swear he didn't and tease me about it), and I understand why better now. Anyway here: enjoy this video; math and physics run the world, and please bring philosophy back to the streets.


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