Sunday, February 28, 2021

feeding time, who's eating?

Your own mRNA'd GMO's... you (we?) eventual transhuman. Next century societal evolution's gonna be a bumpy ride. I imagine my friends descriptive population plane-off may hold some merit of truth. We shall see. I love my loved ones. 

It'd be nice if the fascist vaccinators weren't recklessly integrating us arrogantly without any rigor (differentially or effective, as known), as if these simple bullies weren't human themselves. What vision, if there were ever an historical fountain of youth constant! They await a cruel new eugenics awakening at their 'pillars' which they cannot imagine for themselves, as if they were refusing their own humanity. They promote everything they disbelieve. Though they be but criminal themsel(f)ves.

Don't hope, only do, I've been told. We all have been told. Mine is mine own constitution, mans (theirs?) quest against the ultimate state of the pillars, our only sure fate in life, besides birth. Best wishes, bullies. 

Rigor is the method. Hope is ever aiming. 

Death, a certain fate. It is. This is just.

Man imachines himself. 


Meme from India

Saturday, February 20, 2021

time, like a snake, and the souls regard for heaven.

the inundated programming feels a soul sucking,
best to find relief, without.
a wary days wander through the mind ungiving,
and the hours slip away.
a great precipice mounting, my soul ne'er wearing,
fast coins hold fast, no.
all spiritual, no material. 

where by drawls from people ever giving,
their energies never ending, receding,
this noise noise can't continue ...
without some break among the eye,
the public, it's own carrier,
erosive mind sssssssucking outpours,
reclaim, ours be the narrative.
peace, but sadness. 

removal of the cancer from the maligned, itself.
they can only operate as they know,
destroyers of this new eugenics, themselves 
let them eat.
poison of the collective conscious, minds.
never waver! hold fast to life, everlasting.

let this digital footprint in the universe, 
for this time, be here now.

sometimes a yearning noissssses 57

Monday, February 15, 2021


For as loving as mankind is (in & of itself) to one another, how do you imagine novel AI unfolding?


Procreative precedence seems an evolutionary understatement, despite evidence of decline (and those calling for flattening this curve). 



Friday, February 5, 2021


Divide and conquer is:

Listen:Don't speak
Speak:Don't listen

It is amazing how people listen, and don't speak.
It is amazing how people speak, and don't listen.


Don't listen:Speak
Don't speak:Listen


Don't speak:Don't listen

These carry factorially. 

What are some of your favorite logic (&reason) forms/proofs/arguments? 

Sometimes thoughts 55

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Had to get off the memetic wrath train, not resembling real life nor exploiting the representative self.

Nonetheless, intriguing and sometimes surprising insights abound on the platform.

It proved informational while learning otherwise unknown laws or concepts related to government or personal liberty.

"Deplatforming" myself voluntarily has lead to greater curiosity on my own time, and a renewed richness in study for interesting subjects. 

I've a renewed interest in consciousness, rhetoric and symbolism via the short snappy pithiness of Twitter users I've encountered over the years. Nothing a short wiki search can't solve being provocatised (google will not confirm this word) in this disgusting false proverbial echo chamber.

It is certainly nice however, to follow great thinkers of our time, respectable people who ponder things deeply, it has amplified (and also diminished) my faith in humanity.

Concepts of power, slavery, philosophy, psychology, and even conspiracy are voiced frequently on the site, and of course, there is no limit to the ignorance of man, an all too human trait. 

I grow tired of attempting to talk with people enjoying their own sense of moral superiority, a self parody without any sense of irony, false conscience etc. Ignorance is an (albeit curable) affliction. 

Love is the answer. 

Best to focus on other things and to retreat inwardly for now.

sometimes thoughts 54